The Blog of Jack Holloway

Monday, December 16, 2013

A brief devotional inspired by Peter O'Toole

I once watched an interview with Peter O'Toole in which he talked about acting. He said, "In the Bible it says, 'the word became flesh.' I think that's the actor's job, to make the word become flesh" (not an exact quote). I found this to be a beautiful description of acting, and not only of acting, but also of the Christian life.

As Christ, the Word, became flesh, I think we as Christians are called to make the Word become flesh in our lives. As actors should make the words of the script become flesh, bringing them to life by embodying them, so Christians should make the Word of God flesh, bringing him to life by embodying his way. As Henri Nouwen said, "Christians are called to live the Incarnation."

O'Toole elsewhere said, "No one can take Jesus away from me." No one can take Jesus away from you, and no one can take away from you the ability to make the Word flesh.

How can you embody Christ's way? How can you make the Word become flesh?

Peter O'Toole was most definitely one of the greatest actors of movie history. It is with great reverence that I pray he rests in perfect peace.

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